I hope the panic attacks will go away! I was chatting with my older daugher who is very active, she will bring our grandchild out for the night after their family worship covering Christmas... oh dear lord, just in those simple words, which I KNOW were not towards me, but IT"s like SHE KNOWS! EVERYONE KNOWS what I thinking! REality check. my husband and younger daughter only know.
This gripping fear! MY excuses for not being at the meeting when at one time I never thought much of... sore throat, don't want to make anyone sick. I'm hurting all over and just had to go to bed early, stayed up late... but now, it's like i need to be more convincing. Even convincing my husband. Was never good at lying. and Now... I'm just plain afraid. Again I want out, excited to be getting out... but the overwhelming guilt/fear... at the F'N Same time!!!!
I stopped using my facebook acct that had all the "friends" on it. I've gone to a more private, immediate family only. And even that makes me feel like someone will figure me out...
I know in the long run this will work it's self out and hopefully I can help someone else in the future, but right now this is scary.
Maybe I need to find something outside the home to do... SAHM for years, haven't worked in years. Being in the house by myself all day and worrying off and on all day is really getting to me. I'm feeling obsessed.
Thank you for letting me vent and your suggestions. I know Apostate is only a word, but when its grilled into your head that those are the monsters of the world, satan's special people who drive you from Jah.... it's hard to see that it's only humans, people who live normal lives now, they don't deserve that title.
I'll get to the library as soon as I can. If I could tell my mother about this, Im sure she'd run out and buy the books for me... reunited with her for about 4 years, after ignoring her for 7. I've wasted more than just my life.